The Aquarium welcomes service animals as defined in Title II or Title III of the ADA. Per the ADA, "A service animal is a dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to work or perform task(s) for a person with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.” Therapy, comfort, emotional support, and companion animals are not permitted in Aquarium buildings.
Service animals must always remain under the control of the owner or handler while in Aquarium buildings and on Aquarium grounds. If a service animal is out of control or poses a direct threat to the health or safety of staff, guests, or animals in the Aquarium, we may require the service animal to be removed from the premises. However, in this circumstance, we will work with all guests with disabilities to provide alternative accommodations. The Aquarium follows the Standards and Guidelines of the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums and other accrediting agencies, which restricts exposure to permanent resident animals from animals outside of our facility. Therefore, service animals are only allowed in public areas of the Aquarium. These quarantine policies help to prevent cross-contamination and possible disease transfer to our animal residents.
Should you need alternate assistance to enjoy a Behind-the-Scenes tour which allows access to restricted, non-public areas of the Aquarium where service animals cannot enter, please contact Guest Services at (757) 385-3474 , Option 3, and we will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations to allow your participation.
Please note: Aquarium staff shall not be responsible for the care or maintenance of service animals while on Aquarium property.