Scenic Overlook Closed for Renovations

The Scenic Overlook is closed for construction, with a new deck expected to reopen this fall. The Nature Trail between the buildings remains open.

Sandbar shark in exhibit.

July 21-27.

Sink your teeth into Shark Week at the Aquarium with jawsome activities, shark talks from our keepers, prizes, and more! Starting July 21, come celebrate sharks and learn about shark conservation with bonus guest experiences including our FINGO game and a special career panel on Tuesday.

Shark Talks

North Building talks will be held daily at 11:00am and 2:00pm in the Promenade Room (just outside the Shark Exhibits and Turtle Exhibits).

Sunday: Busting Shark Myths

Discuss and bust common myths about sharks!

Monday: Shark Anatomy and Senses

Did you know that sharks have six senses? Learn more about shark senses and their anatomy during this interactive talk.

Tuesday: Shark Research

How do scientists learn more about sharks? During this interactive talk, learn about and try your hand at some common research methods used by shark scientists.

Wednesday: Every Fin Counts - Threats & Conservation

Thursday: All About Elasmobranches

Though they don't look like it, sharks and rays are actually related!

Friday: Ask a Shark Scientist

A Q&A session at the Norfolk Canyon Exhibit.

South Building talks will be held daily at 11:00am and 2:00pm (exception: Tuesday's session only at 12:00pm) in the Education Hall (just past the main lobby).

Sunday: Shark Superpowers

Ever heard of a shark that can walk on land? What about one that glows? Learn about some of the interesting superpowers some shark species have!

Monday: Shark Queens - Women in Shark Science

Learn about women making strides in shark research and conservation!

Tuesday: Careers in Marine Science (12:00pm only)

Interested in pursuing a marine science career? Ask current Aquarium staff questions about their jobs and how they got here!

Wednesday: Citizen Science

Did you know you can make important contributions to research and conservation? Learn more about how you can make an impact on science by participating in citizen science projects.

Thursday: Tag, You're It - Learn More About Shark Tagging

We're teaching guests about tagging and its uses in shark research. You can even try your fin at tagging a shark!

Friday: Ask a Shark Scientist

Saturday: Shark Superpowers

We'll highlight some of the unique and interesting adaptations of various shark species, like those that can walk on land or fart to adjust their buoyancy!

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