Road Closure Sunday, March 16
The northbound lanes of General Booth Blvd. will be closed Sunday, March 16 for the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon. Northbound traffic to the Aquarium should take Oceana Blvd. to Virginia Beach Blvd. then travel east to the Oceanfront and south to the Aquarium. Learn more from the City of Virginia Beach.

A spotted eagle ray noses its way through the sand looking for food.

Species Name: Aetobatus ocellatus

Spotted eagle rays are distant cousins to sharks and related to other batoids like skates, electric rays, guitarfishes, and sawfishes. They are one of the largest eagle ray species, and have been sighted soaring out of the water, even to heights of 6 feet!

About Spotted Eagle Rays

Length: Over 16 feet

Weight: Over 500 pounds

Wingspan: Nearly 11 feet

Spotted eagle rays are one of the largest eagle rays, with only manta rays growing larger, and are black, dark gray, or dark blue with white bellies. They have venomous spines on their tail used for defense when they feel threatened. Similar to human fingerprints, individuals can be identified by the unique white rings or spots displayed across their dark backs. These rays have a large rostrum, a beak-like protrusion that they use for foraging for food along the ocean floor.

Spotted eagle rays spend a large portion of their days feeding on shrimp, prawns, crabs, octopuses, clams, and oysters. Their heads are specially designed to act like shovels, helping them to dig in the sand in search of a bite to eat.

Spotted eagle rays are often associated with coral reef habitats and are considered to be a coastal species. They are found in warm shoreline waters worldwide but also have been observed out in deeper waters.

Reproductive Behavior
Spotted eagle rays reproduce via internal fertilization, but unlike mammals, the embryos are not attached to the mom via a placenta for in utero nourishment. Instead, they live off a yolk sac and once they are large enough to live on their own, they are birthed. Litters are usually only 1 to 4 pups.

Human Interaction
Like all eagle rays, spotted eagle rays are active swimmers and tend not to lie motionless on the seafloor. They are most active during high tide. Spotted eagle rays try to avoid interaction with people, and while considered fairly shy, there are reports of them inadvertently landing on an unsuspecting boater or fisherman.

Are they dangerous?
Sadly, these docile and usually shy animals have been unfairly labeled as dangerous, but this is not accurate. While they do have venomous barbs on their tails, like many other animals, spotted eagle rays only act aggressively if they feel threatened. Most often, they will simply swim away. In most cases, a sting from a ray is not lethal, though a direct hit to the heart or other important organ can lead to death.


Thankfully the spotted eagle ray is not yet considered endangered, and people in some areas are working to make sure this status remains. In Bermuda, in 2010, the spotted eagle ray was listed under the Bermuda Protected Species Act 2003. Anyone convicted of catching and/or killing an eagle ray will be fined and face prison time. Several AZA facilities, like the Virginia Aquarium, have observed successful births which gives hope and provides valuable information for conservation efforts.

Worldwide, the populations are declining. Conservationists are working to monitor this species closely so they can determine what actions need to be taken to protect them. Their method of low birth rates (1-4 pups), slow maturation, and slow growth rate exacerbate conservation concerns. These factors contribute to why experts consider the spotted eagle ray to be a species “Near Threatened” with extinction. Additionally, while this animal is not directly targeted by commercial fishing, it is often a victim of unintentional capture in nets. The population is estimated to have declined between 50 and 70% in the last 30 years.

Resident Spotted Eagle Rays

Two spotted eagle rays surrounded by fish

Our Spotted Eagle Rays

These rays can be found soaring overhead among our fish in the Red Sea Aquarium!

IUCN Classification

IUCN Near Threatened Icon

Near Threatened (NT)

A taxon is Near Threatened (NT) when it has been evaluated against the criteria but does not qualify for Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable now, but is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future.

IUCN Red List
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